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JOHN: The people's bible commentary - Are You King of the Jews?
JOHN: The people's bible commentary - Are You King of the Jews?
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
ARE YOU KING of the JEWS? The trial oscillates between Pilate’s own interrogation of Jesus inside and those outside the headquarters. The first three scenes develop the theme of kingship, starting with Pilate’s questions.
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - New meal, new life - 6
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - New meal, new life - 6
by SPCK - Tom Wright
6 New meal, new life Part One HOW IT ALL BEGAN The Meal Jesus Gave Us And of course there’s something else. Part of the story is that this God is taking the world somewhere. He’s got plans. Apparently he’s promised to do for all of us what he did for Jesus after he died. And for
GOD's rich Pattern - My best friend
GOD's rich Pattern - My best friend
by SPCK - Dr Lin Berwick
My best friend It was Princess Diana who famously once said, ‘There were three of us in this marriage.’ In our case there certainly were – namely, Ralph, myself and Harvey, our chocolate English Cocker Spaniel. He came into our life when he was eleven weeks old. Ralph and I had a
52 Reflections on Faith - Mothering Sunday: the motherhood of God
52 Reflections on Faith - Mothering Sunday: the motherhood of God
by BRF - Stephen W. Need
Mothering Sunday: The motherhood of God Mothering Sunday is a day for celebrating motherhood and giving thanks for our mothers. On this day we reflect on the place and importance of our mothers in our lives and thank them for everything they’ve given us. Everyone has (or has had)
Christmas Prayer:Thank You
Christmas Prayer:Thank You
by Sue Brown
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession Thank you, Lord for Mary. Thank you for her willingness to do what you asked of her, for the care she took of Jesus while he was a baby and as he grew up. Mary showed great faith in you, trusting you although the way ahead was hard. Remem
Numbers in the Bible Assembly Collection - Jesus Heals 10 Lepers - KS2 Assembly
Numbers in the Bible Assembly Collection - Jesus Heals 10 Lepers - KS2 Assembly
by Christian Assembly Team
Jesus Heals Ten Lepers Assembly KS2 Bible ref: Luke 17:11-19 This is excellent as the first Assembly in January although can be used at any time of year to emphasise how we should be thankful for all we have. Story Our story today is about a group of people who wanted something v
Numbers in the Bible Assembly Collection - Jesus Heals 10 Lepers - KS1 Assembly